Physical Therapy

Whether you are recovering from a fall, a sports injury, or dealing with more long-term health impairments, such as diabetes or stroke rehabilitation, a physical therapist is a trusted healthcare professional who will work closely with you to evaluate your condition and develop an effective, personalized plan of care.

  • Stretching

    A physical therapist is a trusted healthcare professional who will evaluate your condition and develop an effective, personalized plan of care. Utilizing a clinical approach to help you regain functional capacity after injury, and get back to the life you were meant to live through various movements.

  • Mobilization

    Mobilization is a manual (hands-on) therapy treatment meant to help decrease pain, improve range of motion and increase function.

  • Rehabilitation

    To aid in your road to recovery, we will utilize our full gym, complete with weights and cardio equipment such as our in-house peloton. Your physical therapist will also incorporate total body functional movements, core strengthening, and education regarding proper lifestyle habits.

  • Micheal Nadel


  • Anna Lea Cloribel


  • Sam Wang